and we have worked with people who could only move their eyes, professional dancers, people of all ages and abilities in studio, school, community, and assisted living settings. Our mission is to advance the legacy of Barbara Mettler (1907-2002) , whose lifelong goal was to seek out creative principles of dance to reveal its power in order to make it available to all people.
Mettler-based dance is presented in a way that you make up your own movements within the structure of carefully designed progressions that lead to more skill and freedom of movement expression both individually and in groups. Our approach to group dance improvisation teaches collaboration skills that builds community spirit and a feeling of belonging.
We offer classes and Teacher Training at the Tucson Creative Dance Center and, while health consideration prevail, through Zoom. We also collaborate with other organizations throughout the US and internationally to offer programs. Contact us if you would like to co-sponsor a Mettler-based workshop or series.
One of our goals is to help anyone have the resources to understand and apply Barbara Mettler's principles and materials. To that end we offer free online resources of Barbara Mettler teaching dance and sell her books. Our Libraries Project donates sets of Mettler's books to college, university and studio libraries. Please contact us if your school or organization has a library that would welcome such a donation.